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Customers are encouraged to submit electronic copies of forms and documents via the online RR Program Submittal Portal (Submittal Portal). The DNR has suspended the requirement to submit a paper copy of each plan or report. 

The Submittal Portal provides users with access to the following:

  1. Document Uploader – to submit forms and documents related to chs. NR 700-799, Wis. Adm. Code [exit DNR].
  2. Notification for Hazardous Substance Discharge Form – Non-Emergency Only (Form 4400-225) – to report discharges that are identified through laboratory analysis of soil, sediment, vapor, indoor air and water.

Professional certifications required per § NR 712.09, Wis. Adm. Code, must be included in submittals. More information about qualifications and certifications for submittals is available in Wis. Admin. Code ch. NR 712 Qualifications and Certifications (RR-081) [PDF].

Using The RR Program Submittal Portal

Before using the Submittal Portal, you will need to register in the Wisconsin Web Access Management System (WAMS).

  1. Get a WAMS username and password [exit DNR] if you don't already have one. See the directions for getting a WAMS account [PDF].
  2. Go to the RR Program Submittal Portal and log in with your WAMS account. Then follow the instructions found in the menus to upload documents or complete the Notification for Hazardous Substance Discharge Form – Non-Emergency Only (Form 4400-225).
  3. First-time users of the Document Uploader will also need to request access to the Document Portal before submitting documents. The process to request access is described below under Step 4 of "Using the Document Uploader."

Need help with your submittal?

Using The Document Uploader

To use the Document Uploader:

  1. Go to the RR Program Submittal Portal.
  2. Click on DNR RR Forms in the upper right.
  3. Click Start in the Document Uploader box.
  4. First-time users only: Complete the required portal access request form to receive an email granting you access to the portal. Allow one business day for the access email from the time of submission. If you do not receive portal access approval within one business day, contact Danielle Wincentsen for assistance.
  5. Complete the Document Uploader form, attach documents and Submit.
  6. You will receive an email confirmation when your documents have been successfully submitted.

Partially completed Document Uploader forms can be saved and finished later. Find saved forms using the In Progress link on the home page.

Submitting a Discharge Notification

Reporting A Non-Emergency Discharge

To fill out and submit the Notification for Hazardous Substance Discharge Form – Non-Emergency Only (Form 4400-225):

  1. Go to the RR Program Submittal Portal.
  2. Click on DNR RR forms in the upper right.
  3. Select Start in the box labeled Notification for Hazardous Substance Discharge Form – Non-Emergency Only (Form 4400-225).
  4. Information from your WAMS account will auto-populate in the Reporter tab. The first time you fill out this form, you must input your organization name. This information will be saved in the system and will appear the next time you use the form.
  5. Complete the form, attach documents and Submit.
  6. You will receive an email confirmation when your notification has been successfully submitted.

Partially completed forms can be saved and finished later. Find saved forms using the In Progress Forms link on the home page.

Adding Laboratory Reports And Other Documents At A Later Date

Laboratory reports and other documents may be added if they were not available at the time the form was submitted.

  1. Go to the RR Program Submittal Portal.
  2. Select Submitted Forms – Pending Attachments on the home page.
  3. Select the appropriate Notification for Hazardous Substance Discharge Form – Non-Emergency Only.
  4. Navigate to the Lab Results and Documents step (this is the only section that will be editable).
  5. Upload the laboratory report and other documents.
  6. Click Next to get to your cart and submit the form.
  7. You will receive an email confirmation when your documents have been successfully submitted.

Requesting a no further action or no action required letter at the time of a discharge notification

A no further action (NFA) or no action required (NAR) letter may be requested from the DNR at the time the Notification for Hazardous Substance Discharge Form – Non-Emergency Only (Form 4400-225) is submitted.

NFA and NAR letters from the DNR require a fee. Fees for NFA and NAR letters may be paid by following instructions when completing the form.

Call the 24-hour emergency hotline at 1-800-943-0003 for spills that require immediate reporting. Visit the spills webpage for more information about discharges that require immediate reporting.

Tips and Requirements for Document Submittals

When submitting electronic documents, the DNR recommends the following:

  • Submit the documents, including forms, in PDF format. Whenever possible, create the PDF by directly converting from another electronic format, rather than scanning a hard copy. If scanning is necessary, scan in a black and white format.
  • If an individual file is larger than 250 MB, split it into more than one file, each under 250 MB.
  • Submit case closure request documents in a ZIP (.zip) file. Within the zipped folder, organize the contents and clearly label as follows:
    • Case closure request form
    • Seven separate folders labeled for each of the required attachments (e.g., Attachments A through G). Include the required PDF attachments for each of those sections of the case closure request form, along with each PDF clearly labeled with the DNR-specified title (e.g., A.1. Groundwater Analytical Tables), and organized within the file folder (e.g., Attachment A: Data Tables) in the order specified in the case closure request form.
    • Include a single PDF of the entire closure packet (form and attachments) in the ZIP file.
  • When submitting site investigations or O&M reports, submit lab data as one PDF file (or Excel file, only upon request), and the narrative and data summary (figures, tables, etc.) as a second separate file.
  • Submit copies of Phase I and II environmental site assessments as separate PDF files.
  • Up to five PDF or Excel files can be uploaded per submittal (except for the case closure request, which can only be uploaded as a ZIP file).
  • Use bold font for groundwater enforcement standard (ES) attainments or exceedances; use italicized font for groundwater preventive action limit (PAL) standard attainments or exceedances. 
  • Do not use shading or highlighting on the tables, figures, maps or other documents. 
  • Maps and figures may be submitted in a larger electronic size than 11x17 inches (such as a PDF) provided they are legible when printed. 

Formatting requirements may be found in NR 700.11(3g), Wis. Adm. Code. Generally, the requirements include:

  1. Electronic files shall have a minimum resolution of 300 dots per inch (dpi) to ensure legibility without creating excessive file size. 
  2. All electronic documents shall be digital-format versions rather than scanned versions, except documents that require signature and are only available as scanned versions. Deeds and legal descriptions may be scanned versions. 
  3. Electronic files may not be locked or password protected. This means the files cannot require a password to open or edit. However, files can use a feature that makes them read-only or protected to prevent inadvertent editing if the feature can be turned off without a password. 
  4. The DNR may request that the electronic copy of sampling results be submitted in a different format such as spreadsheets, plain text tabular files, hypertext markup language files (HTML) and extensible markup language files (XML). 

Content requirements for document submittals may be found throughout applicable sections of chs. NR 700 - 799, Wis. Adm. Code.

If the submitted electronic file cannot be read (i.e., is illegible), opened, or is corrupted and unusable, the consultant or representative will be notified that the submittal is incomplete and to submit a new electronic copy.