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Wisconsin Natural Resources Board

Since this agenda was posted, the following items have changed:
3.B.2. Corrected (02/18/2015)
3.B.7. Deleted (02/13/15)
3.B.8. Added (02/13/15)
7.A. Added (02/13/15)

Registration deadline to testify or to submit written comments: 11 a.m. on Friday, February 20, 2015. See complete information on the Board public participation web page.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Natural Resources Board will convene at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, in Room G09, State Natural Resources Building (GEF 2), 101 South Webster Street, Madison, Wisconsin. The Board will act on items 1-3 and 6-7 as listed on the Agenda.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that matters concerning natural resource issues or the Department's program responsibilities or operations specified in the Wisconsin Statutes, which arise after publication of this agenda may be added to the agenda and publicly noticed no less than two hours before the scheduled board meeting, if the Board Chair determines that the matter is urgent.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015: Order of Business

  1. Organizational Matters
    1. Calling the roll
    2. Approval of February 2015 NRB agenda
    3. Approval of January 2015 NRB brief of action (PDF)
  2. Ratification of Acts of the DNR Secretary
    1. February 2015 DNR Real Estate Transactions (PDF)
  3. Action Items
    1. Air, Waste, Water, and Enforcement
      1. Presentation of the 2015 Registered Laboratory of the Year Award (PDF)
      2. Approval request: DNR recommendations for the FY 2016 Laboratory Certification and Registration Program Fee Adjustment (PDF) Citizen Testimony and Written Comment Welcome
      3. Board Order LE-17-13 adoption request: proposed rules affecting sections of Chapters NR 50 and NR 64 related to Law Enforcement Aids to Counties and Municipalities (PDF) Citizen Testimony and Written Comment Welcome
    2. Land Management, Recreation, Fisheries, and Wildlife
      1. Board Order WM-11-13 adoption request: proposed rules affecting Ch’s. NR 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19, and 45 related to deer management, hunting, and implementation of the 2012 White-tailed Deer Trustee’s Report (PDF) Citizen Testimony and Written Comment Welcome
      2. Approval request: white-tailed deer population objectives for each Wisconsin deer management unit (PDF) Citizen Testimony and Written Comment Welcome Corrected: see page 1 of PDF for details
      3. Approval request: undertake a master plan amendment process at Rib Mountain State Park for the purpose of expanding the Granite Peak Ski Area (PDF) Written Comment Only
      4. Approval request: DNR recommendations to issue a Stewardship grant that will prohibit at least two nature-based outdoor activities (NBOA) on non-DNR land: City of Waukesha, Waukesha County (PDF) Citizen Testimony and Written Comment Welcome
      5. Approval request: DNR recommendations to issue a Stewardship grant that will prohibit at least two nature-based outdoor activities (NBOA) on non-DNR land: Village of Pewaukee, Waukesha County (PDF) Citizen Testimony and Written Comment Welcome
      6. Easement Purchase – Forest Legacy Program – Douglas County (PDF) Citizen Testimony and Written Comment Welcome
      7. Land Acquisition – Kettle Moraine State Forest-Southern Unit – Walworth County - Citizen Testimony and Written Comment Welcome Deleted
      8. Request approval to initiate a public involvement process which may result in a master plan amendment to the Northern Highland American Legion State Forest to expand the amount of land being leased for Camp American Legion (PDF) Added
    3. Scope Statements - Citizen Testimony and Written Comment Welcome
      1. Emergency Board Order OE-20-14(E) and Board Order OE-21-14 scope statement approval request, conditional approval of the public hearing notice and notice of submittal of proposed rules to the Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse: proposed changes to Ch. NR 150, Wis. Adm. Code, related to the DNR’s environmental analysis and review procedures. (PDF)
  4. Citizen Participation - 11 a.m.
    (Note: If time permits, the Board may consider the following agenda items prior to Citizen Participation: 5. Information Items; 6. DNR Secretary’s Matters; and 7. Board Members’ Matters)
    1. Citizen Appearances
      Citizen testimony on topics that are not on this month's agenda; appearances on items that are on this month's agenda are made at the time the Board considers the item. See complete information on the Board public participation web page.
  5. Information Items - Written Comment Only
    1. Air, Waste, Water, and Enforcement
    2. Land Management, Recreation, Fisheries, and Wildlife
    3. Department-Wide
      1. Project LEAD, DNR leadership program (PDF)
      2. 2015 - 2017 DNR budget update (PDF)
  6. February 2015 DNR Secretary's Matters - Citizen Testimony and Written Comment Welcome
    1. February 2015 DNR Retirement Resolutions (PDF)
      1. Gary Osness
      2. Gary Harden
      3. Richard Livingston
      4. Byron Goetsch
    2. February 2015 Donations to Wisconsin DNR
  7. February 2015 Natural Resources Board Members' Matters
    1. History of the Natural Resources Board (webcast) Added
Contact information
If you have Board-related questions or would like to request information, to submit written comments, or to register to speak at a Board meeting or listening session, email or call:
Laurie J. Ross, Board Liaison
Office of the Secretary, AD/8
The Natural Resources Board and Department of Natural Resources are committed to serving people with disabilities. If you need Board information in an alternative format, please email or call the Board Liaison.