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Security training and education

The U.S. EPA sponsors workshops on using the VSAT™ (Vulnerability Self-Assessment Tool) computer software program through the Water Environment Federation [exit DNR]. These workshops are free, and wastewater operators who live more than 100 miles from the workshop training site are usually eligible to receive reimbursement for related travel expenses such as air fare or auto mileage and lodging. Breakfast and lunch are provided at the workshop. Meal costs for dinner are not included in the reimbursement plan. Participants must preregister for the workshops to receive reimbursement.

The Wisconsin Rural Water Association maintains a listing of courses for wastewater operators. Courses related to wastewater security, vulnerability assessment preparation and emergency response plan preparation are listed in the Training Seminars schedule [exit DNR]

Emergency response

The U.S. EPA Environmental Response Team [exit DNR] provides training in emergency response, such as Sampling for Hazardous Materials, Emergency Response for Hazardous Materials, and Hazardous Materials Incident Response Operations.

Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM) coordinates emergency responses with Wisconsin state and federal agencies. WEM offers programs on Disaster Training and Response, and Terrorism Preparedness. WEM operates a 24-hour emergency hotline, 1-800-943-0003. Calls received on this line include hazardous materials spills, severe weather events, public health problems and other threats to public safety.