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Clean Water Fund Program eligibility for security equipment

Are you planning a wastewater treatment plant modification or major upgrade? If so, consider planning for the future by including security measures as part of your construction project. The most cost-effective time to install security equipment is during construction of new facilities, compared to retrofitting existing buildings and structures.

Types of security equipment eligible for loan funding through the Clean Water Fund Program

Most security equipment is eligible for loans through the Clean Water Fund Program (CWFP) when it is included as part of an overall treatment plant upgrade. Examples of security equipment include:

  • barriers, fencing and gates;
  • security lighting;
  • door and window locks;
  • bars or mesh;
  • proximity access card readers;
  • motion and beam detectors;
  • alarms;
  • surveillance cameras and video or digital taping equipment;
  • smoke and chemical detectors and alarms;
  • glass-break detectors;
  • emergency backup generators;
  • locking manhole covers;
  • personal safety equipment;
  • computer fire walls; and
  • anti-virus software programs.

The CWFP may not be a cost-effective source of funding for security equipment installed as a separate "stand-alone" project with costs under $200,000. A better source of funding for separate security equipment projects under $1 million might be the DNR's Small Loan Program. Stand-alone security projects would generally receive a very low score as a water quality project and may remain low on the funding priority list.

Confidentiality and submittal of plans and specifications

If a community intends to seek funding for a security system from the Clean Water Fund Program then plans and specifications must be submitted. Information submitted to the DNR during plans and specifications review is subject to the open records law. The DNR must make this information available to the public upon request. To protect the confidentiality of wastewater security measures during plans and specifications review by the DNR, follow these recommended steps.

  • Do not submit plans and specifications showing the routings or location of security equipment.
  • Do submit a list of security equipment items and associated costs.
  • Do send normal plans and specifications for back-up generators.

To protect the confidentiality of wastewater security equipment during the bidding process, consider these options.

  • Request prospective contractors prepare their bids on the installation of security equipment using plans and specifications retained by your facility at an on-site designated area.
  • Security equipment separated out as an equipment item in a construction contract may not be subject to competitive bidding requirements.

Plans and specifications for security measures to be installed as a stand-alone project do not normally need to be reviewed by the DNR because most security equipment would not affect the treatment processes. See reviewable projects for more information.