Forest products technical guides
- Grade Sawing [PDF]
- Edging and Trimming [PDF]
- Air Drying Lumber [PDF]
- Forest Products Technical Guide: Improving Log Value [PDF]
Building with wood webinar series
This series highlights the practical benefits of using wood in construction.
Business management
- A Planning Guide for Small and Medium Sized Wood Products Companies [PDF exit DNR]
- A Marketing Guide for Small and Medium Sized Primary Forest Products Processors [PDF exit DNR]
- Business Management Practices for Small to Medium Sized Forest Products Firms [exit DNR]
- Value-Added Wood Products Marketing Guide for Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs [PDF exit DNR]
Business assessment tools
Sawmill production
- Rough Mill Improvement Guide for Managers and Supervisors [PDF exit DNR]
- So You Want to Build a Sawmill [PDF]
- Manufacturing and Marketing Eastern Hardwood Lumber Produced from Thin Kerf Band Mills [PDF exit DNR]
- Quality Control Troubleshooting Tools for the Mill Floor [PDF exit DNR]
- Results-Driven Approach to Improving Quality and Productivity [PDF exit DNR]
- Circular Sawmills and Their Efficient Operation [PDF exit DNR]
- Improving Sawing Accuracy Does Help [PDF exit DNR]
- Balanced Saw Performance [PDF exit DNR]
- Bandsaw Cracking: Troubleshooting Causes [PDF exit DNR]
- How to Calculate Required Horsepower for Circular Saws [PDF exit DNR]
- A Simplified Procedure for Developing Grade Lumber from Hardwood Logs [PDF exit DNR]
- Procedure for Quartersawing Logs 16-19 Inches in Diameter [PDF exit DNR]
Video resources
- From the Sawyer's Perspective: Sawing Hardwood Logs [exit DNR]
- Trouble-Shooting a Small Circular Sawmill [exit DNR]
Grading and scaling
- The Illustrated Guide to American Hardwood Lumber Grades [PDF exit DNR]
- A Guide to Hardwood Log Grades [PDF exit DNR]
- Local-Use Lumber Grading Handbook [PDF]
Kiln drying
- Dry Kiln Operator's Manual [exit DNR]
- Dry Kiln Schedules for Commercial Woods Temperate and Tropical [PDF exit DNR]
- Drying Hardwood Lumber [PDF exit DNR]
- Air Drying of Lumber [PDF exit DNR]
- Effects of End Coatings on Defects During Air-Drying of Lumber [exit DNR]
- Quality Drying of Hardwood Lumber Guidebook-checklist [PDF exit DNR]
- Quality Drying of Softwood Lumber Guidebook-checklist [PDF exit DNR]
- Building Your Own Lumber Dry Kiln with Local Building Materials [PDF]
- Operation and Cost of a Small Dehumidification Dry Kiln [PDF exit DNR]
- Understanding Vacuum Drying Technologies for Commercial Lumber [PDF exit DNR]
- Comparing Vacuum Drying and Conventional Drying Effects on the Coloration of Hard Maple Lumber [PDF exit DNR]
- Preventing Blue Stain [PDF exit DNR]
- Heat Treatment of Firewood-Meeting Phytosanitary Requirements [PDF exit DNR]
- Wood Utilization Options for Urban Trees Infested by Invasive Species [PDF exit DNR]
- Logging Residue Report edited [PDF]
- Real Cost of Extracting Residue [PDF]
- 2009 Wisconsin Wood Residue Study [PDF]
- Pine Straw Feasibility Study [PDF]
- A Practical Guide For The Determination Of Moisture Content of Woody Biomass [PDF]
- Hardwoods of North America [PDF exit DNR]
- Softwoods of North America [PDF exit DNR]
Financial feasibility spreadsheets
- GRADEYIELD - Basic Sawmill Lumber Grade/Yield Recovery Analysis
- PROYIELD – Projection of Sawmill Yields
- SAWFEAS - Sawmill Financial Analysis
- DRYFEAS - Lumber Kiln Drying Operation Finance Analysis
- Wood Fueled Boiler Financial Feasibility Analysis