An abundant, healthy urban tree canopy increases property values, reduces storm water runoff and erosion, improves air quality and reduces energy used for heating and cooling. Every tree makes a difference! A single 8-inch-diameter red oak in a backyard in Wausau provides $51 worth of annual benefits, which will increase as the tree grows.
Discover the value of the benefits provided by individual trees around your home and in your community with the National Tree Benefit Calculator [exit DNR].
More resources on tree identification and tree selection and planting are also available.
Urban tree benefits
- Good Health Grows on Trees
- Urban Ecosystems and Social Dynamics, USFS PSW Research Station [exit DNR]
- Urban Forests, Human Health and Environmental Quality, USFS Northern Research Station [exit DNR]
- Human Dimensions of Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, University of Washington [exit DNR]
Urban tree care
- Proper Tree Pruning [PDF]
- Tree and Shrub Care, UWEX [exit DNR]
- Tree Owner's Manual, USFS [PDF exit DNR]
- Tree Selection and Planting
- Trees Are Good [exit DNR]
Storm-damaged tree care
- Storm Recovery, Arbor Day Foundation [exit DNR]
- Why Hire an Arborist, International Society of Arboriculture [exit DNR]
- Choosing a Qualified Arborist, Pacific Northwest ISA [exit DNR]
- Finding a Certified Arborist Near You, Wisconsin Arborist Association [exit DNR]
- Urban Forestry Catastrophic Storm Grants