Reporting Period: 7/1/2015 - 12/31/2015
BRRTS No: 02-54-560205
Status: Site Investigation
Activity: Field Sampling/Monitoring
Comments: 7/1/15:We are pleased to advise you that CRA joined the GHD family of companies. Effective July 1, 2015, our name changed from CRA to GHD. Other than the change of name, our business will not be affected in any way. 08/24/15 – 08/28/15:GHD completed the third quarterly sampling event pursuant to the SIR. 10/26/15 – 10/27/15:GHD completed the fourth quarterly sampling event pursuant to the SIR. 11/3/15:GHD provided both an electronic copy and a hard copy of the off-Site monitoring wells MW-26S and MW-27S sampling results from the third quarterly sampling event to the associated property owner and copied Shawn Wenzel of the WDNR. 12/1/15:GM informed Shawn Wenzel via email that GM officially closed the Janesville Assembly Plant. Shawn Wenzel emailed GM regarding a previous statement indicating that if the plant was officially closed, a plan for decommissioning would be developed. Shawn also asked if there was any indication that the Site (aka plant) would be sold or kept and if there was a timeline for selling. 12/2/15:GM responded to Shawn Wenzel via email indicating that GM is developing a plan for facility decommissioning and subsurface investigation as part of their due diligence as they prepare a business plan for future property transaction considerations. GM indicated they are developing a timeline to implement decommissioning and subsurface investigations concurrently. 12/9/15:GM, GHD, and Ramboll Environ participated in a conference call with the WDNR to discuss the closure package for another property. While on the call, GM indicated to the WDNR that a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment was being developed for the Site and consisted of grid sampling. GM indicated that aboveground decommissioning would occur at the same time and that options being considered consisted of transferring the Site “as is” instead of GM working through closure. GM indicated that a couple iterations of subsurface investigations may be needed to characterize the Site. GM discussed with the WDNR that the Site buildings may be reused or the Site redeveloped. GM assured the WDNR that any new contamination discovered would be reported in accordance with all applicable regulations The WDNR indicated that they could work with GM to either expand the existing BRRTS No or open new cases.
Submitted by Julie Charlton on 01/26/2016