These field guides, produced by the Natural Heritage Conservation Program, will help you identify that frog, turtle or snake you see on your next outdoor adventure. All proceeds from the sales of these field guides benefit keeping them printed and in stock and support the production of amphibian and reptile educational materials.
Note: Please allow up to 14 days for processing and delivery.
Snakes of Wisconsin (second edition) - $3
Snakes of Wisconsin is a 32-page full-color guide to the snakes that live in the state. The book includes a lengthy introduction section; individual species accounts with range maps, a user-friendly identification pie-chart key and over 30 beautiful photographs. Order here [PDF]
Amphibians of Wisconsin (second edition) - $4
Amphibians of Wisconsin is a 44-page full-color guide to native frogs and salamanders. The book has a very informative introduction section, a breeding calendar; species accounts with range maps, a user-friendly identification pie-chart key and 49 beautiful photographs. Order here [PDF]
Turtles and Lizards of Wisconsin - $4
Turtles and Lizards of Wisconsin is a 48-page full-color guide to the turtles and lizards that call Wisconsin home. The book contains two informative introduction sections; species accounts with range maps, two user-friendly identification pie-chart keys and 60 great photographs. Order here [PDF]
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