Reporting Period: 1/1/2020 - 6/30/2020
BRRTS No: 02-38-580694
Activity Name: JCI/TYCO FTC (PFAS)
Status: Site Investigation
Activity: Field Sampling/Monitoring
Comments: Peshtigo Wastewater: Laboratory Analytical Reports and Data Validation Reports for Tyco wastewater were submitted on January 3. Ditch A/B Monthly Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) Reports (December 2019) were submitted on January 21. A Copy of Arcadis' Database for Previously Submitted PFAS Data and FTC and Stanton Street Groundwater Plume Maps were submitted on January 31. A Data Summary Report – Heath Lane Area Site Investigation was submitted on February 4. Signed Access Agreement for WDNR Deer Tissue Sampling Events for Winter 2020 was signed on February 12. A FTC 2014 Data and Report Search was submitted on February 17. Ditch A/B Monthly WPDES Reports (January 2020) were submitted on February 21. Ditch A Semi-Annual Monitoring Report (July 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019) and Ditch B Semi-Annual Monitoring Report (July 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019) were submitted on February 25. A Draft Project Schedule for FTC and Stanton Street was submitted on March 2. A Revised Draft Project Schedule for Tyco FTC and Stanton Street was submitted on March 12. A Comprehensive Alternative Water Management Plan was submitted on March 19. A Southern Area Groundwater Evaluation Report and Ditch A/B Monthly WPDES Reports (February 2020) were submitted on March 20. A FTC Excavation Dewatering Plan was submitted on March 27. A FTC Well Survey Report was submitted on March 31. A Revised Long-Term Potable Well Sampling Plan was submitted on April 1. A Q1 2020 Project Status, Tyco FTC and Stanton Street, Marinette and Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) was submitted on April 15. Ditch A/B Monthly Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) Reports (March 2020) were submitted on April 21. A Notification of Soil Excavation for Construction – Building 105 Building Construction was submitted on May 13. A FTC Interim Site Investigation Report was submitted on May 15. Ditch A/B Monthly WPDES Reports (April 2020) was submitted on May 21. A FTC Conceptual Site Model was submitted on May 26. A FTC Potable Well Sampling Program Summary Report and Draft Project Schedule, Tyco FTC and Stanton Street, Marinette were submitted on June 1. A FTC Air Deposition Evaluation Report and Notice of Intent (NOI) and Discharge Management Plan for the Building 105 Addition Construction were submitted on June 8. Ditch A/B Monthly WPDES Reports (May 2020) were submitted on June 19. The supplemental site investigation was initiated in spring and the site investigation work is ongoing. The Long-Term Potable Well Monitoring Plan is ongoing. Bottled water and Point-of-Entry Treatment (POET) systems have been offered to affected potable well owners. The Ditch A and Ditch B Surface Water and Foam Interim Actions continued or were implemented during the reporting period. Routine communications were completed with the WDNR regarding the investigation activities.
Submitted by Ben Verburg on 07/30/2020